New books will occasionally stumble into my shop. After I've tamed them, determined their sex and classified them taxinomically, I like to offer them up to you, Stranger. And so. . . I have two brown books by Renee French: Micrographica and The Ticking. Anders Nilsen's ever-cheerful Monolugues for the Coming Plague. Emily Flake's pictorial battle against cigarettes, These Things Ain't Gonna Smoke Themselves. James Sturm's unsettling James Sturm's America. John Porcellino's intimidatingly thick King-Cat Classix. Adrian Tomine's Shortcomings, the collected (recent) issues of Optic Nerve. Eric Drooker's somewhat self-explanitory Flood: A Novel in Pictures. And for those that like their pictographs in digest form, The Best American Comics 2007. I also have a few new and new-used novels and poetries, for those who're into such things.


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