Ada Books will be operating under the auspices of

WEIRD SUMMER HOURS from now through July 31st.

That means that on most weekdays (except for the

odd Monday or two) I won't open until 2pm or so.

Furthermore, certain Saturdays will be pre-empted

due to outdoor festivals (Indie Arts Fest 7/18 &

Woolly Fair 7/25) and the occasional kickball game

(Holy Rollers rule!) Furtherfurthermore, my wife

has made it clear that if I don't take a day off

once in a while there will be trouble. Therefore,

certain sunny Sundays, when all my lovely customers

are on the beach reading and tanning, I will be there

too, shiny with sunscreen, sweating in the shade of

a big umbrella. It might just be best to call me first

before dropping in. Here's the number: 401.432.6222


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